E&O Hotel History PART 2/3 – Golden era
E&O Hotel History: 1920 - 1945 Here is our second Eastern & Oriental Hotel History article. Please, click here for the first part od E&O Hotel History, in case you have missed it. Anyway, the 1920s …
E&O Hotel History: 1920 - 1945 Here is our second Eastern & Oriental Hotel History article. Please, click here for the first part od E&O Hotel History, in case you have missed it. Anyway, the 1920s …
Is there a city in Asia I could live in, besides Singapore? Yes, there is and it is called George Town, located on the Penang Island. Why do I love it so much? Because it …
Malaysia has a beautiful island, which is full of history, nature, and amazing food. This island, which was originally named Pinang has a strategical position with Port. To explain, its name comes from the betel-nut …
Is Japanese whiskey the best in the world? Probably yes. Lately, they are receiving more awards, than their teacher Scotch. Of course, everything is a preference for the taste. If you ask me, probably yes. I …
Is it a secret that the best whiskeys in the whole world come from Japan? Actually, that is a well-established reality and Japan has been outranking famous Scotland! Japanese precision is a strong reason for …
Have you heard that Japan is the leading country when it comes to producing the best whiskies in the world? You can find the answer to this question in our two previous posts, where you …
Today it's a sad day for us. Our idol and inspiration died in his 61. Sadly he was a victim of depression, and he just didn't find help. However, for us, he was a great …