Do you know that feeling when something feels incredibly right? Even so right that you become suspicious of this feeling and you start doubting what is wrong with this situation and where is the trick? Well, that feeling I get when I am with Vivi. With her, everything feels just right and just like that my inner peace was instantly initiated. I knew that we were a good match in high school and everything was spot on at that time. But you know, people change, we grow up and even the world around us is changing. However, it looks like some things never change. The energy between us remained the same. This energy is still present and it’s getting stronger and stronger when we are together. Now, we have been traveling together for more than a half of a year and I have some pictures in my head. I must say this image is very vivid and it could be presented in the national gallery on permanent exhibition if it wasn’t just an imaginary one.
On that sunny day, when we were walking around the ruins of this once mighty and luxury hotel I started thinking how unimportant some things are. We are chasing something we can’t get while those things in front of our nose are just falling apart, resting in ruins. How can I make something special and make sure my house will be glorious for a long time and not just for a short fun time? Well, there is no simple answer but there is one gesture which presents those ideas – a marriage. I know this girl well, I’m feeling so good with her, she is the perfect fit for me, and the ratio between smart and beautiful is good with this one… This is it! Of course, I will marry her. The decision was made at a speed of lightning. Right there on the spot.
I found Vivi seating on the edge and looking at the most beautiful sunset in a long time. I didn’t hesitate and just asked her straight. “You know, I already lost you once. And in the meantime, my life was a freaking mess. Full of anger and wrong decisions. Well, it’s true some great people came into my life at that time, but a lot of wrong ones as well, and they made my emptiness even bigger. I think I’m not ready for another trip like this. I don’t want to end like this hotel. Glorious but in ruins. I want to be with you. Will you marry me?” She was looking at me with the most sparkling eyes you could imagine and said YES. And just like that, my friends, we were engaged.
“But where will we get married?” she asked me. Our goal was to find a place that we could connect to. We were also determined to have a celebration close to the sea with a view of a sunset, of course. But after a while, we realized that we are already standing right in the perfect spot. So why not just do it here? In the ruins of a hotel where the most glorious weddings happened once. Somewhere where all the big shot characters of that time were.