Some of you must be wondering what is going on with the best travel blog in this world, full of wisdom and helpful reviews. Where are new posts? What are these wackos doing? I will tell you what. We have a lot going on lately, and I think we aren’t the only ones. The world is changing in front of our eyes, and we would like to finish some matters from the past. Tourism is taken for granted, and “everything we touch is turning into poop” lately. If you don’t believe me, I will try to explain you through this article. Welcome to my experience at Bokor National Park Cambodia.
Are you asking yourself if it is worth visiting Bokor National Park Cambodia? Yes, it is, and you should buckle up. Sadly, Bokor National Park is dying. Greedy people are deforesting it faster than Red Khmers violated human rights in the past. If you expect greenery all the way your eyes go, you are 25 years late. It rips my heart when I see stupid projects like “grand hotel” in the middle of the national park. Usually, hotels like this are rubbish, and there is not even a slight chance of deserving our review.
As an example, there is Thansur Sokha Hotel, designed straight out of communist architecture biro. It looks deserted, and there is no sign of guests. Just a glimpse around the building will give you a feeling of military structures more than tourist accommodation. On top of that, the facade is in green color. How convenient, right? Nevertheless, that is not the only hideous building in Bokor National Park. Corruption is in full swing, and abandoned building sites will get new competition. “Luxury apartments” in the middle of the national park. I can’t imagine what kind of an egoistic shit form of life will live there.
But hey, there must be something nice in Bokor National Park. Yes, it is. It is a rocky desert and dick-shaped plants all over the place. Much more beautiful than stupid “projects”. Clouds will make some cinematic scenery straight away, and your motorbike ride can be fantastic. However, for the sake of health, make sure you will wear enough warm clothes there. Bokor National Park is above 1000 meters, and the temperatures can decline drastically.
Ironic thing is, there are main gates before you arrive at the national park. It looks like they charged the fee back in time, but now it is abandoned. Probably because of refunds. “I am sorry, I paid to see a national park, not military structures and deforestation sights” Take Europarc statement: “Although individual nations designate their own national parks differently, there is a common idea: the conservation of ‘wild nature’ for posterity and as a symbol of national pride“, and reevaluate your idea. Bokor Hill is a more appropriate word for this disappointment on top of the hill.
So, why are you recommend visiting Bokor National Park, Ian? Because it is time to face our stupidity, and if the world is going to collapse (only the manmade part, reasonably), you will be light-hearted about this. We f***** deserve it! Enjoy your travels till next time. We are coming with a review of a fail heritage hotel in the middle of pristine, or rather ex-pristine nature.