As you already know, in Singapore, they are very strict when it comes to drugs. Only 15 grams of the good old cannabis will make you a trafficker and you will face caning (up to 24 strokes). If the amount is higher, the sentence is higher. To get a prison for life just because of drugs is not so difficult. And for 500 g of this greenery, you will deserve the death penalty. I have my own version why they are so strict there for this kind of prohibitions. Well, the city is made for tripping and everyone would be on drugs 24/7 if they could get them. I really mean it. Everywhere, you have light effects and even a crossroad sign has some special sound as if you were in a video game. You are walking down the street and all those buildings look like a science fiction. There are themed bars and metropolitans all over the place.
Singapore buildings
Can you imagine an average Sam from the US with his shrooms in his gut? In the first wave, he would be walking in 2050. All those funny buddings and here in Singapore it is not rare to see someone that is wearing WTF fashion piece of clothing. Not to mention everyone, and I mean it, everyone has too big shoes at least for one size. I don’t know what the deal is here, but when you walk down the streets you will see locals, all wearing shoes that are too big. The next street he would turn into is full of graffiti and bohemians. A Rasta family is waving to you and smiling from one side. On the other side, you will find a clown with some balloons, selling who knows what. O.K., O.K. He needs a drink now, he is thirsty. He gets into the first bar and he is in an episode of Friends. What in the world, he would think? Who gave me those shrooms? It must have been Merlin, the magician.
Singapore street art
He doesn’t want to be on TV with Joey and others, so he runs out into another bar. When he is chasing Merlin and running through the mall (as you know everywhere you want to go in Singapore, you need to go through at least one shopping mall) he can see a boat in the middle of the hall. What in the world? All pale, he finally comes to the bar. Oh no! He is in the Great Gatsby now. Atlas Bar’s clock is showing the correct time, but it’s so weird. That is not good he thinks. So, he is out of there. He will hide in a park and just wait for these hallucinations to run out.
Atlas Bar
The magic ball
But wait. This is not just a park. There is a big shiny ball, and he can see his future in it. Everyone is round and weird. Smiling at him or what? He doesn’t care. He goes further and here the real WTF comes. A park which is dedicated to showing the world how f***** can everything be. Oh my god, it’s Haw Par Villa! An old lady being breastfed by a younger lady. There are giant cockroaches and an elephant with a gun is chasing them or something. The rats are having a World War I battle, while there is the whole hell presented in the dark. You know, a classic kids’ story, how they will burn you and get your guts out if you are a naughty child. It’s dark and the real show is on. A million lights everywhere. In his head by now must be a short circuit. Anyway, our Sam is having a bad trip from all these images now. He feels hungry and, luckily, here in Singapore, you can find food everywhere. And I mean it everywhere. In the shopping malls, there will be like 60-65 percent food shops and stalls, and others are clothes, accessories, etc.
Haw Par Villa
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So, what do you think? I think it should be regulated as it’s right now. Because this city is already wacked.
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