The road took us to the other side of this little country. It didn’t take us long to find the bird which brought us to Prekmurje and we had plenty of time to observe them. At the hotel we were staying at, there was even live video footage available to everyone who was interested to watch what was happening in the nest on the top of the chimney. I have to say that I find the birds extremely interesting, mighty and somewhat mysterious. The owner of the hotel told us that the storks return every year and that the first offspring which is strong enough to fly inherits the very nest it was born in. We were lucky enough to witness three little storks in one nest and it was fun to watch them, especially when they were trying to show which one is the strongest. They were spreading their large wings and jumping as high as they could. When their parents returned the show ended and they all got a well-earned meal.
I had no idea that this bird thinks about the future of her offspring. He told us that this year is an especially good one and the birds have more than one young. If they feel that it’s going to be a bad year and there will be scarce food, the mother decides which one will be kicked off the nest into a quick death. This is the best way to make sure that at least some of her young ones will survive. It happened that she kicked all of her infants out of the nest instead of letting them suffer in hunger and pain.
When I think about how cruel life is and what sacrifice is for the mother, I started to see the real intelligence in them. They think about what they can offer the little ones, and if that is enough for them to live through the first 6 months. Some people don’t reach that far. They don’t think about the option of planning and to prevent suffering from occurring at all. At the present moment, artificial intelligence is being developed and some people still don’t know that contraception is an option for everyone? If they can’t afford contraception how will they feed their children?