Decluttering is utterly important if you are willing to stick to it. If you are just getting ready for the shopping spree, then don’t make a habit of it. Keeping a clean space should be utterly more complex than finding room for the latest trends. For those people I say; “Open a store”. Here I’m focusing on something that every honest human would benefit from.
Modern Society
May it be a simple observation of a fluffy bird or long-legged spider. Regardless of what it is, we are generous with name-calling. Unfortunately, we, the praised species of The World are wicked. Yes, along the way throughout our evolution we lost the Yang to our Yin. No wonder everyone is messed up! There is no balance. Really, the balance should be present in every single human being. Yes, all of it; food & fast, play & work, rest & exercise, body & spirit… The latter is usually left out of education and lost to a certain degree. However, spirit doesn’t need a teacher, it needs peace.
Questions of all sorts meet faces on every interaction people face. If only those were the questions of a caring supportive nature. Nope, those who ask the real questions are tagged as pessimistic, depressed hippies, … But seriously, when will humans stop exploiting? We exploit each other, but it is devastating what we are doing to Mother Earth. Happy earth day and cheers to the butterfly effect. Let’s be honest, if we all step together and participate in the biggest brainstorming event, then our future can look promising. It could if we would.
I pray that recent trends like sustainability, minimalism, and mindfulness will proceed. That way the big step has been made and the crowds will follow. The biggest question is how our ego will take it. After all, the ego is known to play wicked games and is a sore loser. For this I say; “declutter your mind”. That is the only way to acknowledge what matters and maintain both feet on the ground. If you succeed that, hat down to you. I bet you know the meaning of the word respect.
Imagine respecting moral duty. The world would change in a second if moral magically reappears on the world’s stage. Maybe people would start discussing the issues without showing the muscles. I guess convenience has taken over the Earth and here we are. Guessing what is real and not. Freedom of speech is a myth and so is free water. The reality is that living is expensive and only a few are happy with their life. Maybe if we would pay respect to time instead of money, the balance would occur naturally.
Who doesn’t like to dream of the Garden of Eden, where we are all brothers and sisters united in love. Looking for each other and all life is a way to move forward. If we end up hating every microorganism we’ll burn the place down and that is the last thing we need. Let’s focus on our voices and speak with our money. Spending your hard-earned money on waste is nonsense. At least we can do is support local business and think of the passing time. Changes are natural and so is the balance, the question is timing.